![]() The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, August 30, 1928 pg.3 RURAL NEWS Pilot Grove - The revival meeting in progress at the tabernacle is growing in interest. The crowd Sunday night could not be accommodated. There have been several conversions to date. Rev. E.T. Smith of Sherman is doing the preaching. The first bale of cotton of the season was ginned at the local gin Saturday. Cotton picking has not really started yet, but will be by next week. Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Taylor and children and Mrs. Z.W. Binion spent a few days in Oklahoma last week visiting relatives and friends in Durant, Caddo and Bockchito. Dr. and Mrs. Willingham of West Virginia were guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Kilgroe, Saturday. Mitch and Doss Chism and sisters, Misses Lois and Ruth, of near Paris spent the weekend here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Cox of Wolfe City were here Sunday visiting W.P. Ownby and Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bradshaw of Dallas visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Holmes and son, Max, of Trenton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thad Rhodes. Miss Mollie Neathery has returned from a visit with relatives in Dallas. More votes were polled in the election here Saturday than were in the July primary. Dee St. John and Ralph and Haskel McCarley are home from Commerce, where they have been attending school. Raymond Hoyle of Dallas has been visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor and Mrs. D.M. Taylor visited relatives at Farmersville Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Binion and baby of Dallas spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. T.W. Cato and little daughter of Farmersville visited her mother, Mrs. Z.W. Binion last week. Miss Wynema Moran of Bells has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hopper. Friday, Mrs. Martha Hunnicut and her mother, Mrs. S.A. Conner, had as their guests for the day Mr. and Mrs. John Hartsfield and Mrs. Legear of Slaton, Mrs. T.H. Matthews and son, Morrison, of Savoy, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hartsfield of Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Conner and family, Mrs. Annie Tate and family, Mrs. Lillie Sutton and sister, Miss Annie Belle Hayes; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andrews and son, and Mr. and Mrs. A.B. St. John and family. A bountiful 12 o'clock dinner was served, and the day was a very pleasant one for all. Mrs. J.G. Sloan, living 2 and one-half miles north of Pilot Grove was carried to the Leonard sanitarium Monday, where she was operated on for appendicitis Tuesday morning. Mrs. Bruce Dixon and other relatives from here are with her. Pilot Grove News Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |