![]() The Whitewright Sun
Friday, September 15, 1916 pg. 8 Sept. 11 - Farmers are devoting most of their time to gathering cotton, which is good and bringing a good price. Mrs. F.M. Sloan has been ill for several days, but is better at this writing. W.N. Holly, who has been employed a s principle of the school here is here on business. Mr. Marion Farr and Miss Eula Stevens were united in marriage here Wednesday evening. Mr. Farr is an employee of the good roads and has many friends here who wish them much happiness. Bro. E. Rylant filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church here Saturday night and Sunday. His sermons were well delivered and highly appreciated by all present. Bro. Rylant has accepted the call as pastor another year, the call being unanimous. A.H. Maxey, principle [sic] of one of the ward schools of McKinney, was here on business last week. F.M. SLoan and Stanley Garland were in Sher man Sunday. Prof. Sewell McKinney and wife of Sedalia passed through Pilot Grove enroute to Whitewright Saturday af ternoon. Prof. McKinney is principle [sic] of the school at Sedalia. He says the outlook for his school is very bright. They have recently voted a 50c school tax and have under construction a $1600 school building and have in their a pplication for state aid. Mrs. Cora Davis entertained informally last Friday evening for a number of friends. The games were enjoyed and refreshments served. Misses May Thrift and Cordelia Crawford visited in Whitewright Sunday afternoon. Pilot Grove News Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |