Denison Daily News
May 16,
"Our Traveling Correspondent"
On the
Willis Ferry road, 10 miles from Denison, is noted for the several varieties of
water to be found in the vicinity. A large and never failing spring of
chalybeate water runs through the place.
Mr. H. Tomas, the proprietor of
the store, and postmaster there, was made happy on the eve of the 4th inst. by
leading to the hymeneal altar the beautiful and accomplished Miss Mollie J.
Col. James Chiles, father of our townsman, E.G. Chiles, has a
large plantation about one mile from the springs. The Colonel, though advanced
in years, is possessed of vigor and mental faculties which would do credit to
one many years his junior.
Messrs. Randell and Person returned from Georgetown
Wednesday, where they had been attending Justice's Court. Only one criminal
case was tried, viz : J.C. Gardner for malicious mischief, in which the jury
brought in a verdict of not guilty.
The crops around Martin Springs are said by them to
look splendid. Mr. Person informs us that a large number of mowers and reapers
have been brought in to that country. He counted fourteen reapers engaged in
cutting wheat between this city and Martin Springs.
Dallas Daily Herald
April 17,
Fall election matters are beginning to loom up, especially in regard
to the Sheriffality of the county. John M. Wilson of Whitesboro and Hardy
Thomas of Martin Springs are both out as candidates, and Denison, Sherman,
Bells, Georgetown, Dripping Springs, Jack Martin and the "old Alcalde" to hear
from yet.
Dallas Weekly Herald
May 12,
(Special to the Herald)
Sherman, May 10 - News came in late this evening that the murders of Constable
Hodges had been recognized, as a man named Stephenson, who killed a man at
Martin Springs three years ago. His companion is named Henderson, about whom
nothing is known. Overton Hodges, brother of the murdered man, with a posse
struck their trail at Max Dexter's, where they stole a horse, leaving one of
their own. The pursuers were not far behind.
Dallas Daily Herald
May 20, 1882
A vein of coal has recently been discovered at Martin Springs'
neighborhood, but a short west of Denison. A wagon load of the choppings was
used by a blacksmith in that neighborhood, who pronounced it equal to any stone
coal he had ever used. Several specimens were brought to town and examined by
competent critics who are of opinion it will turn out a valuable discovery. Mr.
Munson says the same vein of coal is found at McAlister and Savanna, in the
B.I.T. extending southwest and passing under Red River, not far from Denison;
that in his opinion it extends as far southwest as Laredo, and probably into the
Ft. Worth Daily Gazette
September 28,
Capt. J.D. Woods, who went out to Martin Springs Saturday
night to make a prohibition speech, failed to obtain an audience and continued
his appointment until next Saturday night, when if anybody comes to hear he will
mount the hobby and give it a furious ride.
Ft. Worth Daily Gazette
January 26,
Capt. Nat Smith of Martin's Springs is down on a business
trip, pertaining to good roads from Sherman to his section of the
Dallas Daily Herald
October 8,
United States Prisoners
United States Deputy Marshall Ben E.
Cabell left for Kansas this morning with two Federal prisoners named Blue and
Willingham. The former is indicted in the United States district court of
Kansas for horse theft in the Nation, and the latter for introducing whiskey in
the Territory. Five men - Jim Cave, for stealing horses in the Pottowatomie
country, and F.P. Varley for stealing a registered letter; John Hammond, for
stealing horses in the Territory; Gardner Reed and W.R. Brannon, for
burglarizing the post office at Martin Springs, Grayson county - Marshall Cabell
was notified this morning had all been arrested.
Ft. Worth Gazette
June 14, 1895
Pottsboro, June 12 - Yesterday evening between 4 and 5 o'clock a
terrific wind and hail storm passed through the Martin Springs neighborhood,
laying houses, barns, fences, and trees to the ground. The storm started on the
south bluff of Red River, traveling in a southward direction four miles. The
path was three and a half miles wide and all vegetation is utterly destroyed.
Your correspondent visited a part of the country this morning and counted five
houses and barns; the post office at Martin Springs was blown from the
foundation and a house just west of that was completely demolished. The north
porch of Mrs. Thomas' handsome residence was blown away and the roof of the main
building torn in holes by the hall. Cotton, oats and corn are all gone, nothing
being left in the cotton fields to tell what had once been a flattering
prospect. Oats are beat into the ground and the blades of corn are all off,
nothing standing in the fields but stubs. Not a person was hurt save a few
slight injuries by the hail.
Ft. Worth Gazette
June 23,
"Martin Springs and Georgetown Society"
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Greer
chaperoned a crowd to Martin Springs Monday Sunday evening. They had supper and
returned by the star light. Those present were : Misses Clara Beeman, Hattie
Fields, Bell Key, Mattie Chambers and Lizzie Mae Moodie; Messrs. John Clayton,
L.B. Thomas, J.B. Hoff, George Morrow and H.K. Rea.