Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily Democrat
Thursday, October 21, 1920
pg. 3

To The Democrat
Hagerman, October 20 - A fine rain fell here Monday night, which will benefit wheat and otherwise soften the crust for further cultivation.
Cotton continues to come in steadily and the gin runs continuously.
Mr. and Mrs. Elzey Dawson and family with Mrs. Rufus Crow of Kingston made a short but pleasant visit here Sunday, as they were enroute to Sadler where they spent the day with friends.
Mrs. G.W. Scott has been with her son, H.A. Scott, of near Sandusky for the past 2 weeks.  Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Scott are the proud parents of a new son.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lowe and son, J.E., of Lewisville spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends here, returning home Monday.
A number of our people attended the State Fair Sunday.
Mrs. M.E. Crow and Miss Thelma Loughmiller were visitors at the county site Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Ferrell of Sherman were here Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. Chas. Barnes who passed away Sunday night at his home 4 miles west of here.  Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Drennan of Denison from the Christian Church at Sadler.
Those from this place who attended the funeral of Mr. Chas. Barnes were Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Dryden and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Jewell.
Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Gardiner and son, H.G., Jr., were Sherman visitors Sunday afternoon.  They were accompanied by Misses Matney and Massey and Mr. A.J. Herd.
Mr. Turk of Whitesboro was here Monday in view of locating a drug store here.  We hope to have Mr. Turk put in his line of business and predict for him a growing enterprise.
Harry Morehead attended the singing school at Enterprise Thursday night.
J.E. Wiley of Whitesboro was a business visitor here Monday.
Rev. W.H. Shelton of Whitesboro mingled with friends here part of last week as he attended his pastoral work here.
Wm. Trammel of Denison was a visitor here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Deckard of Chilicothe were weekend guests of the former's sister, Mrs. J.E. Turner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Cox spent last Wednesday with relatives in Denison.
Mrs. R.H. Jewell was a recent visitor with relatives in Gainesville.
Rev. W.H. Shelton preached to a capacity congregation here Sunday night, which will be his last service here prior to the convening of the annual conference at McKinney, Oct. 27th.  The financial committees are busy winding up the collections, etc. of the conference year hoping to have a full report on Conference claims, Centenary dues, orphanage contributions, etc. which is in keeping with the record of the people here.
After the service of Sunday afternoon baptismal rites were performed by Bro. Shelton for Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley at the Beane tank nearby.
On last Friday morning at an early hour the people of our little town were awakened by the hilarity of about 30 of our school children as they boarded the Fair special, according to the invitation of Mayor Wozencraft of Dallas that Friday be "Children's Day" at the State Fair.  The party was chaperoned by Miss Massey of the first Primary work and W.A. Morrison.  It was a great day for them all; the children storing in the books of memory things which will go with them through life, while the chaperones enjoyed the pleasure of helping them have a good time.  Many cute and original things were said and done, but none attracting more attention than those of little Martha Sue Morrison, who was named "Hagerman's Booster" ere the day had far winged its way.  Being the granddaughter of the founder of Hagerman intuitively she told a number of people of our latest improvements in the way of new school, bank, roads, etc.  The crowd arrived home at a reasonable hour Friday night, tired but satisfied with what had been to them insofar as the pleasures of a long ride, sight seeing and entertainment at the hands of our great commonwealth, "the end of a perfect day."

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Susan Hawkins

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