Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
Friday, July 20, 1906
pg. 6

Georgetown, Tex., July 16 - The recent rains will insure a good corn crop in this neighborhood.  June corn is doing nicely.
Threshing has commenced in this community and the grain crop will be fair.
J.A. Porter has been repairing his store building the past week.
Capt. J.C. Sharpe, who has been very low, is some better at th is writing.
Captain W.S. Grant and Homer Taylor returned last week from a 2 month s' visit in the Northwest.
Vance Sharp of Wynnewood, I.T.,  who has been at the bedside of his father, has returned home.
Ernest and Ab Allen will leave this week for a 6 weeks' trip through Oklahoma, New Mexico and western Texas.
Mesdames G.M. Elkins of Lawton and B.F. Bynum of Arapaho, Oklahoma, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Sharpe.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burgess of Sadler were here Sunday.
Dan Utiger was a Sherman visitor Sunday.
Misses Dona and Dottie Abbie of Denison spent Sunday here.
The year-old child of Mr. a nd Mrs. Mose Smith is very sick.
Misses Ara and Myrtle Holley returned home Tuesday from a visit with relatives at Durant.
Mrs. W.S. Reeves and children returned to Sherman Sunday after a visit with relatives here.
Miss Mary Davis is on the sick list.
C.H. Marion and father left Sunday for a  trip to Greer county, Oklahoma.

Georgetown History
Susan Hawkins

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