The Denison Daily Cresset
Wednesday, January 31, 1877 pg 4 In our issue yesterday we noticed the presence of Mr. J. P. Furguson, of Farmington. Mr. F. is one of the prosperous farmers of Grayson county; is one of the oldest settlers, and withal a hale and happy old gentleman - one of nature's noblemen. He is liberal and progressive in his ideas and approves of education and accomplishments for daughters. He takes great interest in the education of the children of his neighborhood by giving the public schools his attention. While here yesterday, he purchased from Mr. E. V. Ransford one of those beautiful and superior pianos, manufactured by Marchal and Smith, New York. It was a "Parlor Grand" with the full agraffe, and having listened to its tones we have no hesitancy in saying there is no better piano in the market. Mr. Ransford handles nothing but first class goods and that is sufficient to give a guarantee. He has sold several instruments to parties in the neighborhood of Farmington and will sell many more. Farmington History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |