Denison Daily News
Thursday, June 17, 1880 pg 4 The Cotton Worms Sherman Courier A gentleman of this city was called to Farmington yesterday morning, and on the way to that place, in company with one or two others, passed a beautiful little farm of cotton on the road which was about a foot high all over the patch. In the evening, in returning home to this city, the farm - the first one beyond Choctaw creek, on the west side of the road - was passed again, but the beautiful stand of cotton had disappeared entirely - the worms had completely devoured it. An examination was made, and the worms covered the whole face of the ground. A stalk, covered with them, was brought to the city. Farmington History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |