Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Howe Enterprise
Thursday, January 22, 1970


About 40 attended the open house at the Dorchester Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. Refreshements were furnished by the ladies of the church and were served by the members of the King's Daughters Sunday School class.

The King's Daughters Sunday School class of the Dorchester Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. Barbara Welch Tuesday night, Jan. 13. Mrs. Welch, president, called the meeting to order. Mary Lankford read the minutes. The the following business was
discussed: a baby shower for Benda Keel Andrews to be given around the first of Feb.; a gift for Mary Word for her kitchen; a desk and picture for the sunday school classroom; and visiting a rest home with Bro. Bill Robinson and presenting a program for the
residents of the home at Valentine's.

Following the business session, Mary Roberts gave a devotional on the Sand Dollar. Present for the meeting were Pat Stewart, Rose Murdock, Barbar Welch, Mary Roberts and Mary Lankford.

Dorchester News

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