Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Howe Enterprise
Thursday, July 29, 1965
pg. 3

Mrs. Betty Boughner, Representative

The annual Dorchester school reunion was held Sunday, July 25th at the First Baptist Church with an attendance of 77. Awards were presented by Miss Norma Savage to Will Higgins who was proclaimed the Bald Headest Dorchester High School graduate present and the largest family were Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Johnson and family from Anna. Coming the fartherest was Leslie Braswell from Waco. New officers elected were president T.L. Taylor and secretary, Audrey Tucker, and program chairman, Mrs. W.M. Clark. A United States flag was presented to the church by Mr. Jimmy Savage in memory of Hugh Dale Hamilton, Robert McDonald, Bethel Strawn, Euel Savage and Cletus McBride who gave their lives in service of their country. Mr. Carl McBee gave the benediction.

Dorchester News

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