Grayson County TXGenWeb 

Palace Hotel

Source: Thaddeus Mortimer Fowler (1842 - 1922). Denison, Grayson County, Texas 1891, 1891.
Lithograph, 20.9 x 33.5 in. Published by T. M. Fowler and James B. Moyer.
Amon Carter Museum,
Fort Worth. From Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Bird's-eye Maps,

According to Donna Hunt's article in the Herald Democrat, Augut 11, 2010, "In the early days a store located on the ground floor facing Main Street, and a coffee shop operated at the corner until the early 1950s.  The front half of the first floor was mercantile space."  The building was demolished in 1961.

Central Hotel
ca. 1895.
400 West Main Street
Denison, Texas
Source: Art Work of Grayson County (1895), fig. 9.5(b)

The hotel was located at 400 W. Main St. at the corner of South Burnett Ave.  This was called the "Central Hotel" in 1895.


400 West Main Street at South Burnett Avenue, looking south.
"Simpson Palace Hotel. European Plan. Joe M. Crumpton, Manager."
Source: Robinson, Frank M., comp. Industrial Denison. [N.p.]: Means-Moore Co., [ca. 1909]. Page 84.
Notice the big tooth as a sign advertising "Dentist."
R.M. King Dry Goods : Clothing, Furnishings & Shoes

 Later it was known as the "Simpson Palace Hotel"  and then just the "Palace Hotel".


Denison History

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