Grayson County TXGenWeb

Hotel Denison

Denison Hotel burned in 1920.

Devastating fire destroyed first Denison Hotel, January 24, 1920
500 West Main Street
Photo by Kelley Studio

Collection of Grayson County Frontier Village

San Antonio Evening News
January 26, 1920
pg. 3

Denison, Texas, January 26 - Search of the debris of the Denison Hotel, the most fashionable hostelry here, which was gutted by fire Saturday night, revealed no bodies early today. Although the building was filled to capacity , 700 guests - at the time of the fire all were removed safely. Fireman were handicapped by the breaking down of one of the pumping engines and fought valiantly to save the huge structure. The fire, however, fanned by a high wind, made quick destruction. The loss was estimated by the owners at $125,000.

Denison Hotel History

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