Star Barber Shop James
Luther Stapleton was born October 4, 1880 in Rogersville, Tennessee; he
married Willie Blanks in 1899. One son born to the couple was
Earvia Stapleton, who married Miss Edwina Spears in 1936. A
daughter was Mrs. Herbert O. Harris.
On October 7, 1937 an oil hearter in the rear of the barber shop exploded and caused damaage to the building.
In 1940 the granson of Luther & Willie Stapleton died and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery.
was a resident of Denison for 32 years and owned and operated the Star
Barber Shop, which was located on Main St. He died May
14, 1952, according to his death certificate from untreated syphilis, and was buried in the Vittitoe Cemetery, outside of Whitewright, Grayson County, Texas.
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