Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Daily News
Saturday, October 17, 1874
pg. 3

Mr. August Knecht has fitted up a pleasant at "Our House," Main Street, below Austin and opened a first class barber shop where he will be pleased to see his old patrons and hopes to meet the custom of many new ones. Mr. Knecht is an experienced barber and has practiced his profession in Denison long enough to establish an excellent reputation.

Denison Daily News
Tuesday, January 6, 1880


This handsome tonsorial establishment is situated in the Alamo Hotel. Mr. Franklin came here several months ago from Waco. His shop is one of the best patronized in the city. He has several elegant bath rooms attached to his barber shop. Horace Williams, one of the most skillful manipulators of the razor in Texas, assists Mr. Franklin.

The above named gentlemen can be found on the south side of Main street, between Rusk and Austin avenues. They have the largest establishment in Denison. Mr. Knecht has been engaged in the barber business in our city for several years. Knecht & Tralle have refurnished their shop throughout, and it is one of the most inviting places in the city. They run six chairs and employ only first-class workmen.

This well known shop is situated the first door east of Louis Lebrecht's run three chairs and have nicely furnished rooms. Melzer Bros. shop is first-class in all its appointments, enjoys a liberal patronage, and, in fact, many of our citizens will go nowhere else. The shop has recently been refurnished.

can be found at Dave Williams' old stand, north side of Main street; runs three chairs. This shop is one of the old landmarks of our city. Has bath rooms attached. We cannot speak in too complimentary terms of this establishment. It always has been and will continue to be one of the most popular barber shops in the city.


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