Grayson County TXGenWeb

TEXAS DICTATIONS (Grayson County.) 1887.
H. H. Bancroft Collection
Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley
Department of Texas
L. S. Hatch, Manager

Denison TX
July 7, 1887

Taken from G.G. Randall, Atty at Law

Mr. Randall, was born in Covington, Ga., Apr. 7, 1851. His parents were old residents of Ga., being raised in the state.
The schools were very good, and Mr. Randall attended them as long as he could. Was cut off from school because of the war.
Commenced college in 1868 and then to law school at the Georgia University; was there 5 years. Graduated in 1872. First went to New Orleans, La., and commenced the practice of his profession, but found at that time nothing could be done so he came to Texas, remained at Galveston some time, And Oct. 1876 came to Denison and engaged in the practice of his profession, which he since has been at, and in every way has been very successful. Mr. Randall doest mostly a R.R. practice such as suits for damage, etc. Mr. Randall owns a nice farm also and [since it was] purchased in 1875 has gained in value about 3 times what paid. Was married at Rose Hill, Tex., July 5, 1882 to Miss Jones. 3 children.

[Note: Name should be spelled Randell.]

Denison Daily News
January 8, 1880
Pg. 1

Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law

It is with more than usual pleasure that we refer to the above-named law firm. G.G. Randell, the senior member of the firm, is better known than any attorney in Denison. He was one of the first to commence the practice of law in our city. His brilliant legal attainments have gained for him a reputation second to none in his profession, in northern Texas. Mr. Randell has conducted some of the most important cases in the history of this section of the state, and in almost every instance he has come off with flying colors. Mr. Randell is one of the youngest lawyers practicing at the bar. He has a promising future before him, and we look forward to the time when his fame will be more than state wide. He is thoroughly read in law and is never taken at a disadvantage in that respect by the opposing counsel. He is eloquent, logical and irresistible before a jury. He is thoroughly a lawyer of the times, a careful and diligent student that believes in going ahead. Mr. Randell was once a candidate for representative and made a brilliant canvass, being defeated by only a few votes. The NEWS will look with pleasure to the advancement of this young and brilliant attorney.

C.B. Randell, brother of G.G. Randell, has been in our city about a year. He possesses to a large degree the brilliant qualities of his brother, and is destined to win fame in his profession. Randell & Bro. make their headquarters in the Muller block. They have elegant apartments, and one of the finest law libraries in the state.

Bancroft Transcriptions

Denison History

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