Grayson County TXGenWeb
Weaver Shop

Starting as a small repair shop in 1934, Johnnie Weaver's tire reconditioning plant, 501 South Crockett, has been expanded into a veritable industry that is "keeping 'em rolling" in Denison by the repair and restoration of automobile and truck tires that otherwise would be scrapped thousands of miles before their time.

Mr. Weaver had one retreading and one vulcanizing machine when he first established his shop at 522 West Main.  Four years ago he moved to the present larger plant which now has four retreading machines, plus heavy-duty buffers and a battery of other machines necessary for the professional rebuilding of tires.

The Weaver shop can turn out four retreads every hour and a half, and five vulcanizing repair jobs every hour, and is kept running at capacity.

Mr. Weaver has eight employees, Ed Duke, J.T. James, Delbart Blake, Charles Fitzgerald, Charles Snipp and Harry DeFratus with Mrs. Rose Glover in charge of the office.  Mrs. Fitzgerald is the newest of the group, starting to work today, and  is the first woman to be employed  at one of the machines.

The shop is equipped to handle any tire repair or the rebuilding job up to 12 casings.  By prolonging the service in keeping many  automobiles running that  otherwise would be in storage.

Quality workmanship is stressed  with the result that Weaver retreads are setting records for many thousands of miles of safe and trouble-free service.  The shop has been able to obtain a satisfactory supply of camelback, the rubber used in recapping tires, and Mr. Weaver is confident he will be able to continue to meet the demands of his steadily increasing patrons.

Mrs. R.N. Grammar
with grandsons (R) Johnny Weaver & (L) Raymond Weaver

Denison History

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