Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Press
Friday, June 25, 1948

Well, not exactly, perhaps, but yo may have noticed people whose walk made you think of wooden men.  You can't walk well unless you are well shod - Selz Shoes on oyr fee means the comfort that leads sprightliness to your tait.  They cost no more than poor shoes.  Our assortment is large enough to insure a fit for every style of foot.

Nobby Clothing that'a made to fit.  Stylish hats in felts and...shirts of the best make.  In fact, you can find anything in the clothing and furnishings line at our place.
Every article marked in plain figures.  One price to all.
U.S. Clothing Company

Elias & Hanna Regensburger Foundation 10 S. Dearborn IL 1-0117
Chicago, IL United States 60603
Telephone: 214 965 3457

Type of Grantmaker: Independent Foundation
Financial Data: (yr. ended 2015-05-31) Assets: $2,035,358  Totaling: $91,671
EIN: 756322552  Bridge Number: 0566953765
Additional Contact Information: Application address: 2200 Ross Ave., 7th Fl. Dallas, TX 75201, tel. 214 965 3457
Background: Established in 1985 in TX
Fields of interest: Subjects: Agriculture, Human services; Public affairs  Population Groups: Academics; Children & youth.  Economically disadvantaged people; Low-income and poor people; Students
Financial Data: Year ended 2015-05-31: Assets $2,035,358 (market value); Expenditures: $112,512; Total giving:: $91,671; Qualifying distributions: $96,235

Denison History

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