Grayson County TXGenWeb

Ernst Martin Kohl (1867 - 1935, former German Navy Captain, came to Denison in 1885.  He built the first floor of the structure, to be known as the Kohl Building, in 1893 to house a grocery store and saloon.  

Sherman Daily Register
Sunday, March 21, 1886
pg. 3

The Bone Boom
Martin Kohl will buy all the old bones that you may bring to him and will pay a good price; so go to work and gather up all the old bones that you can lay hands on.  Bring them to his grocery house on Lamar ave., near the Cotton Gin.

Source: 1887 Denison City Directory

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, August 3, 1890
pg. 3

In the late fall of 1895 Martin Kohl entertained a visit from his younger brother, E.W. Kohl, whom he had not seen for about fourteen years.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, November 3, 1895
pg. 4

He added the top three floors in 1909-1911 as the family residence. dealer in family groceries, located at the southeast corner of Houston Avenue and Morton Street.  The building became known as the Travelers' Hotel in the 1930s, drawing business from the nearby railroad district.

"Martin Kohl Home - 300 East Main St., Denison"
E.M. Kohl putting on the upper floors in 1910
Courtesy of Pete Orta, who acquired this photo when he purchased the buidling.

Mr. Kohl died in 1935 and Mrs. Kohl in 1959.

Denison Herald
March 25, 1990

Historical Marker

Historical Marker

Denison History

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