Grayson County TXGenWeb

United States Post Office
Denison, Texas

Before the current building was completed in 1912, the post office was across Rusk Avenue at 301 W. Woodard, next door to Chris Waltz Plumbing & Electrical Supply, 303 W. Woodard .

c 1910

Burr S. Weaver ~ laborer for M.K.& T., 1907
Frank MIckels ~ Frank Mikels ~ pastor of Grace M.E. Church, 1909

Burr Starbuck Weaver & Helen Cox

Denison Daily Herald
July 27, 1937

A welcome daily visitor in downtown stores and offices, even at the first of the month when the postoffice distributes tons of bills, is John E. Williams, Sr., business district letter carrier and Denison's oldest employee.  He has been in service since Dec. 1, 1890, more than 47 years.
With a staff of thirty-one members, the Denison Postoffice keeps a veritable flood of mail moving to and from many thousand patrons both within the city and withing the neighboring territory served by the three rural routes operated out of the local office.
Heading the postal organization is Postmaster F.B. Hughes, who assumed the position on March 16, 1937, after three decades as Denison's popular school superintendent.  John H. Parrish is assistant postmaster.  He served many years as superintendent of mail before advancement to his present position when Mr. Hughes succeeded M.O. Sharp as postmaster.

Saunders House
Man, pulling his boys behind him on a sled, gives John E. Williams, the postman, a ride.
Photographer : Jack Hendricks

Grayson County Collection
Frontier Village

House in background ~ 600 West Gandy
First Baptist Church ~ 601 W. Woodard

Mr. Parrish has been employed 32 years by the postoffice.  Next in rank is C.N. Adrian, superintentent of mail, connected with the postoffice since 1913.  Oldest of the postal employees here who has been a postman more than 47 years, since Dec. 1, 1890.

Other employees and the dates they entered the service follow:

Mrs. Fern AchesonClerkDecember 18, 1915
J.R. BrownMoney Order ClerkJuly 8, 1935
W.H. BushSpecial ClerkJuly 14, 1909
T.H. HoggDistributing ClerkMay 1, 1912
L.J. JuddClerkJanuary 1, 1922

Postal Service

Denison Post Office History

Denison History

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