Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, September 16, 1904 Postmaster of Denison, is a native of Arkansas, but early removed to Memphis, Tennessee, where he resided until his 18th year; in '68 removed to Paducah, Kentucky, where he remained until the fall of '79, when he came to Texas, locating at Henderson; in August 1881, removed to Denison where he has since resided; was manager of the compress for 8 years; on the 20th of March last was appointed postmaster by President Cleveland, and on April 9th as sumed charge of the office. Several reforms have already been inaugurated, and it is safe to predict that under Mr. Martin's administration the postal service of Denison will be conducted in a highly satisfactory manner. Denison Post Office History Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |