The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, September16, 1894 pg. 4 PROF. T.V. MUNSON Is a native of Illinois; was raised on a farm in Fulton county; educated at the State University of Kentucky at Lexington; began active work as a nurseryman with his father-in-law, Mr. Bell, at Lexington, Kentucky, in 1871; in April 1876, removed to Denison for his present nursery, which is now one of the most extensive in the entire South. He originated, jointly with Mr. James Nimon, the now famous Parker Earle strawberry, a berry regarded, all things considered, as the most valuable grown in the United States. While Prof. Munson is doing an extensive business in the general nursery line, he is more widely known as a specialist in the improvement of American grapes by hybridizing the best selections of the leading American species, seeking to obtain more valuable varieties for each distinct climatic regions. His "Brilliant" species in the Kansas City market this year brought from 5 to 10c a basket more than the Delaware. Prof. Munson, in his work as a nurseryman, is bringing to Denison much praiseworthy notoriety. The Munson Nurseries November 11, 1925 Residence of T.V. Munson and Ornamental Grounds of the Munson Nurseries Industrial Denison, comp. by Frank M. Robinson. Means-Moore Co., 1901. Page 98. House in distance is at 530 West Hanna St. Munson's Green House 1315 South Mirick Avenue Denison, Texas Robinson, Frank M., comp. Industrial Denison. [N.p.]: Means-Moore Co., 1901. Page 99. 530 West Hanna St. ca. 2008 "Vinita" - T. V. Munson Home #2 Mr. & Mrs Sydney Johnson of Johnson-Moore Funeral Home formerly lived here. Thomas Volney Munson History Denison History Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |