Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily Herald
July 27, 1938


Mrs. Tucker and the Denison Herald, neighbors for twenty-five years, have helped to build and advertise the Southwest, and are both celebrating anniversaries this year.  While the Herald celebrates its golden year – with fifty years of service to North Texas and Southern Oklahoma – Mrs. Tucker, in Sherman, celebrates her silver anniversary.

Mrs. Tucker’s shortening was first placed on the market in 1913 when kitchen work was mostly drudgery; and, during the last quarter of a century, this ever-improved shortening has played a large part in helping this section create a better market for its products, and in making cooking more certain and enjoyable.

Mrs. Tucker’s shortening was the first to carry on it containers “Made Exclusively From Choice Cotton Seed Oil,” and her policy of making only a pure, vegetable product has meant much to digestion and health in the Southwest.  When housewives showed a preference for shortening in cartons of  . . . .

Denison History

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