Grayson County TXGenWeb

McDougall Hotel
Denison, Texas

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, December 3, 1911

A.J. Bouchard Is Dead
The Globe-Democrat of last Saturday, November 25, contained notice of the death of Mr. A.J. Bouchard.  The deceased was a resident of Denison for many years, conducting the old McDougall hotel and a laundry on Woodard street, which was eventually destroyed by fire, when a fireman perished in the flames.  He left Denison about 15 years ago and located in St. Louis.  From there he went to San Diego, California, where he acquired a fortune.  Mr. Bouchard died from the effects of a paralytic stroke at Kansas City, and he was, presumably, on a visit to Texas.  He was about 65 years of age.  He had on person a deposit slip calling for $180,000.  Mr. Bouchard was a great believer in the efficacy of Harlem oil and took it constantly.  He declared that any person who took it would live to be 100 years old.  He missed it by nearly 40 years.

McDougall Hotel History

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