Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
January 8, 1880
Pg. 1

Manufacturer and Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.

The only exclusive dealer in cigars, tobacco and smokers' supplies in Denison is J.E. Mason, at the old stand, No. 219 Main street. Mr. Mason has several men employed in his cigar manufactory. His goods are equal to any brought to this market. He ships large quantities of tobacco from Cuba, especially for his choicest brands, and is furnishing his goods to dealers all over North Texas and the Territory. A new brand of cigars he has recently introduced to the trade, “The Obelisk,” is already having a splendid run. It is a fine flavored cigar, and burns freely. In the line of chewing tobaccos, meerschaum, briar and other pipes, pouches, etc., Mr. Mason carries a complete stock. His motto is, small profits and good goods will secure trade.

Denison History

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