Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Live Drug Store

The Denison News
Friday, December 27, 1872

In less than 14 years, Dr. Mosley & wife had moved to Atlanta, Georgia and was in the business of manufacturing his Lemon Elixir.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, September 12, 1886

Dr. Mozely, the first druggist who opened a store in Denison, is now a resident of Atlanta, Georgia, and one of the most successful manufacturers of proprietory medicines in the south.  His Lemon Elixir, a preparation which resulted from a long series of experiments and research, while a resident of Denison, stands at the head of the list as a remedy for disorders connected with the liver, stomac and bowels.  In a private letter the doctor tells us, he is enjoying excellent health and feels well satisfied with life.  He says he and Mrs. Mozely feel that same interest in Denison and her prosperity they did while residing in the "Infant Wonder," and receive much pleasure from the weekly visits of the Gazetteer.  The doctor's preparations are on sale at Guiteau & Waldron's drug store.

Denison History

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