1885 100 block West Main Street, south side of street L to R: Hubbard Gro., Harrison Saddles, Sat. Sleeping Rooms, Empress Ins. Office & Office for Sleeping Rooms, Office The Denison Press
Friday, June 25, 1948 HUBBARD FURNITURE GROWING RAPIDLY AS BUSINESS HO USE While relatively new in the furniture business, C.R. Hubbard and son, Keith Hubbard, operating Hubbard Furniture at 130 West Main, are not newcomers to the business world. The senior Hubbard operated a grocery store in Denison at 1030 Main Street for more than 20 years, dropping out of the merchandising line for a period of time. On finishing his school work, the son had several years of retail merchandising experience and Keith was taken into partnership by the father and they purchased the furniture business from Ritchie and Sons this year, changing the firm name at that time to Hubbard Furniture. "Our business has been very good and we do appreciate the manner in which the people generally have given us their patronage." declared the Hubbards this week. The store is constantly being stocked with the new lines of merchandise to take the place of out-going goods which includes radios, washing machines, kitchen sets, as well as a complete line of household and lawn furniture to meet the needs if the trade today. Both the father and son are identified with church, civic and industrial activities in the city of Denison. Hubbard Furniture History Denison History Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |