Grayson County TXGenWeb

Heron's Ice Cream Stand

Heron's Ice Cream Stand
Original vintage photograph, shows Mr. Heron's Ice Cream Stand, 1899, Denison, Texas.
Identification of the photo is taken from notations on the back, captions in a photo album, or from similar images in the same collection. Source: eBay, Sept 2014.

Jim Sears wrote: Mr. Heron was probably M. R. Herron. Marcellus R. Herron was a turn-of-the-century confectioner who operated for a while at Woodlake, a resort built south of Denison in 1901. He may have been doing business elsewhere in the area in 1899, but this photo was taken outside Denison's downtown business district. The 1898-99 Denison City Directory lists M. R. Herron as the proprietor of the Denison Candy Works at 407 W. Main. The ice cream stand in the photo would have been a temporary location at a fairgrounds or picnic grounds of some sort.

Note: May be at Denison Driving Park & Fair Association, as other photos in the same group depict it.

Denison History

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