Denison Daily News
January 8, 1880
Pg. 3
West Main Street
This firm is deservedly celebrated throughout North Texas for the elegant
workmanship and beautiful marbles they send out. Fashioned in any devise which the desire of
their customers may wish, they take as much pride in their beautiful designs as
the excellence of the material in use. Having devoted many years to the business they employ none but the most
skilled and experienced artisans in the manufacture of monuments, statuary and
wainscoting, as well as in the wide range of work peculiar to their line. This enables them to supply their customers
not only with the best and most elegant material, but their orders are executed
in a manner so artistic and perfect, that the fame of their work has extended
all over the State. Skilled mechanics
and the best quality of material enables this firm to set competition at
The extreme beauty of marble as a production of nature and as one of rare
adaptability to the workman's skill, has been so often dilated upon by other
writers that in our sketch of to-day upon this subject, it is simply our
intention to refer to remarkable le production wrought in this material among
us and to give those of our readers insufficiently informed, a few facts
connected with
the various localities from whence it comes.
The most beautiful and also most durable among marbles, is to be found in
Italy, Germany giving the finest in colors, while Scotland is celebrate the
world over for its beautiful granite. Vermont is the most prolific in white marble for monuments, headstones
and other purposes.
This firm buys its marble by the car-load, which enables them to do cheaper
work than any like institution in North Texas. This fact
is generally recognized, and their trade extends all over the
State and Indian Territory.
Denison History
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