Grayson County TXGenWeb

This article tells of Denison's preparations for the 1887 State Fair
in Dallas. It was only the second year for the fair, which opened for
the first time in October of 1886. Of interest was the offer of the Fair Association's secretary (near the bottom of the leftmost column) to house the Denison Gate as a permanent exhibit if Denison's citizens would allow it to remain in Dallas.

In 1887 the Gate was exhibited again at the State Fair in Dallas. Planning for the Gate's exhibition at the first of Dallas' State Fair of Texas

This snippet from The Sunday Gazetteer, published after the close of the 1887 State Fair, tells us that the citizens of Denison did take up the Fair Association's offer to house the Gate permanently in the Exposition Building in Dallas. There it remained for a couple of years. After Denison built its own Exposition Hall in 1889, the city may have asked Dallas to give back the Gate. In any case, it did come back, only to burn in the great fire of August, 1893.

Denison "Gate" History

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