Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
Thursday, January 3, 1878
pg. 1

Messrs. Gaisman & Co. opened about three months ago with the largest, finest and freshest stock of staple and fancy groceries and provisions ever brought to Northern Texas. Denison has long felt the need of an institution of this kind, and this one filled the bill.
Two gentlemen had the grit and energy to cast their lot in Denison, just as the dullest time of the year, when everybody was feeling blue; but they meant business, and went for it "thar and then," and with liberal investment in printers' ink, by judicious advertising, they have already built up an enviable trade.
There are only three things in judicious advertising - how, when and where, and this firm understood them. They would just as soon invest their money in judicious advertising as in coffee. The firm is chock full of enterprise, and their entire stock will bear the closest inspection, and certainly merits the hearty support of the citizens of Denison and the surrounding country.

Denison History

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