Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
Tuesday, January 6, 1880

Wholesale and Retail Grocers
Messrs. Fox & Murphy are two of the liveliest grocery dealers in Denison. They are thorough business men, and eminently worthy
of the success they have achieves.

They have been engaged in business in Denison for the past three years and have attained a success that is something remarkable.
In a very short time their business has grown to such proportions that they now rank second to no grocery establishment in the city. They purchase their stock from first hands on the very closest cash margins.

Fox & Murphy claim to have as complete and well arranged retail and job stock as any grocery house in the city. A look through the establishment will satisfy any one as to the correctness of this claim. As to their prices their motto is, not to be undersold by any one, unless the party sells for less than cost. They price themselves on being at all times ready to give entire satisfaction to the humblest customers. Al.l goods will be found strictly as represented.

Fox & Murphy extend a hearty invitation to all to visit them, examine prices and ascertain the quality of their goods before making purchases elsewhere.

Fox & Murphy's grocery establishment is on Main street, between Rusk and Burnett avenues.

Denison History

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