Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Flag Store
Denison, Texas

209 W. Main
Owned & operated by the Casper Brothers

The Flag Store
Kentucky Whiskey Depot
D.W.C. Davis Hardware

Denison Daily News
Sunday Morning, 25 May 1879

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, July 23, 1899
pg. 4
When Mr. and Mrs. Casper left Denison to make Dallas their future home, it seemed like sundering old ties. Mr. Casper had been a resident for nearly 25 years....In pioneer days, the Casper Bros. conducted one of the largest dry goods establishments in Denison. The Flag store was as well known throughout all north Texas and the Indian Territory as the Star Store. The Casper Bros. were live, up to date merchants, and never afraid to use the printer's ink....For a long time Mrs. Casper had been a very active factor in Eastern Star circles and to her individual efforts the order owes much of its present prosperity. To show their appreciation of her services the members of the lodge tendered Mrs. Casper a farewell reception....

Denison History

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