Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
Tuesday, January 6, 1880

A Few Doors West of the Muller Block

These gentlemen are located two doors west of the Muller block. Mr. Donaldson is engaged in the book, stationery and notion business. His establishment is one of the most complete of the kind in the city. He carries a very superior stock of blank books, cutlery, etc. New York, St. Louis and Chicago periodicals always on hand. Has also a large lot of standard works for sale.

The shoe department is a very important feature of this store. Donaldson & Campbell carry a large and well selected stock of boots and shoes, and in fact everything to be found in a first-class establishment. Mr. Campbell, one of the best salesmen in this section of country, who has had a number of years of experience in this business, is at the helm in this department. Their business during the past year has more than doubled and is constantly increasing.

Denison History

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