![]() Dallas Morning News
October 16, 1897 Stagnation of Business. Denison, Tex., Oct. 15. - One of the employes of the United States railway mail service said to The News reporter today: "The railway mail service in Texas, and especially in southern Texas, is very badly torn up, just at present, on account of quarantine restrictions. So much of the train service has been take off on account of quarantine that we hardly know how to place mail to reach any southern destination. This is the cause for a great deal of annoyance and extra work for the railway mail service. "Business in the southern part of the state has been paralyzed for nearly a week now, on account of unnecessary quarantine regulations. The farmers have their cotton stored at the cotton yards in the small towns along the Missouri, Kansas and Texas and Houston and Texas Central, and cannot sell it in many instances because there is no way to transport it to the outside market. This has caused a general stagnation of business over southern Texas that I have not seen before in the many years I have been running through that section of the country." ![]() Dallas Morning News October 16, 1897 Good Sport Predicted.Denison, Tex., Oct 15. - W. J. Scott, presiding judge of the races at the Dallas fair, left for Dallas to-day. Mr. Scott said: "Prospects for a good racing programme at the fair are better this year than ever before. There will be some good horses at the fair and some excellent racing." Sent a Poultry Exhibit. Denison, Tex., Oct. 16. - A. F. Platter sent four hens and a male of the Brahma variety to Dallas this afternoon to be placed in the poultry exhibit at the Dallas Fair. Denison Doings Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any links inoperable, please send me a message. |