Grayson County TXGenWeb

Dallas Morning News
March 13, 1891

The democrats of the city are making preparation for a big ratification meeting to be held some time next week in honor of the election of Gen. Palmer.
Dick Berry, a lad working at the office of the Evening Dispatch, fell from the top of a high stairway in the rear of the office this morning and received painful bruises.
A largely attended political meeting of the colored citizens of the second ward was held last night. The object of the meeting was the discussion of city men and measures with a view of a united vote at the spring elections. Several candidates were present and addresses were made.
Mayflower No.144 is the name of the new lodge Knights of Pythias organized in Denison last night. The exercises were held in the Odd Fellows' hall on West Main street and were conducted by Myrtle lodge No. 22 of Denison, L.B. Moore, D.G.O., assisted by delegations of visiting knights from neighboring cities.
At the conclusion of the exercises the entire delegation repaired to Quinn's hall where a grand banquet was in waiting. Representatives from lodges at Sherman, Whitewright, Whitesboro, Austin, Shiner, Tex., Eureka, Kan., McAlester, I.T., Marshall, Ill, and Caldwell, Kan., were present.

Dallas Morning News
October 25, 1891

A Passenger Knocked from a Moving Train and May Die - Groundless.
Denison, Tex, Feb. 24. - Robert Wardell, the brakeman who was so badly injured in a wreck a few days since on the Choctaw division of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, mention of which was made in The News at the time, was to-day forwarded to the company hospital at Sedalia.
It was rumored on the street this evening that a corps of surveyors had been put in the field with instructions to make another survey between Denison and Sherman with a view of putting in a double track between the cities. The News correspondent visited the office of George M. Jarvis, engineer in charge of construction and track for the Missouri, Kansas and Texas in Texas this evening, when it was learned that there was no truth in the rumor. Two and three work trains are busily engaged in putting the track in good shape, and the services of surveyors are constantly needed; hence the report.

Denison Doings

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