Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily Herald

Denison Daily Herald
July 27, 1938


With this issue The Herald rounds out fifty years of continuous publication in Denison. The management takes pardonable pride in being able to point out this accomplishment

Fifty years is a long time for one institution to remain in business in a city and The Herald take pride in the fact that it has held the respect and esteem of an ever-growing clientele of readers during the first half century of its existence. It owes its growth and expansion to the fact that it has served the community consistently and faithfully since the day it was established. The Herald has always been a Denison institution. Founded in the days when Denison was only a struggling village, it has literally grown up with the city, sharing in it with its prosperity and suffering with it in its adversities, but ever remains a loyal booster of the community and its enterprises.

To read the files of The Herald over the past fifty years is to read the history of Denison. In its pages have been chronicled the births and deaths, the sorrows and triumphs of Denison's citizens over a period stretching from the days of the cattle barons to the modern age of speed and progress. This paper has grown as the city has grown and suffered from the same setbacks from which Denison has suffered. Throughout the years it has stood forth as a champion of the best interests of Denison and Grayson County. Sentimentally and commercially, The Herald is part of the warp and wood of the community's life; and the future of this paper is inextricably bound up with the future of this city and this section.

The management takes pride in the fact that everywhere looked upon as an organ of dignified opinion. It has published a…of news and editorial policy and has never stooped to low sensationalism or the use of bizarre tactics in order to win favor. Consequently, it has held the respect of all its readers.

The management of The Herald thanks the business firms of Denison whose support and cooperation has made this special edition possible. Without the support of these businessmen The Herald would never have been able to attain the splendid growth which has marked its course during the past fifty years, and for this cooperation we express our deepest appreciation. Now that this edition stands upon the threshold of its greatest period of development, The Herald intends to become, more than ever, the mouthpiece of Denison and its citizens. The Herald is a home-town institution. It is YOUR NEWSPAPER. We can ask no greater favor of the people of Denison than they will accept it as such.

J. Lee Greer, Publisher

Denison History

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