Denison Daily News
Thursday, January 3, 1878
pg. 1
of the most prominent institutions in Denison and Northern Texas is
A.R. Collins & Co.'s Custom Mills. They are now manufacturing
meal, bolted and unbolted, and ground feed. They also run in
connection with their mill a first class cotton gin and press, and will
soon add a hominy and grist mill of 20 barrels a day capacity.
This will be the first hominy mill in the State, and the only one
west of the Mississippi river, and should, and in our opinion, will
receive a hearty support from the business men ot Texas.
This firms also does a general commission business, and solicits
Denison Daily News
May 23, 1878

Denison Daily News
January 8, 1880
Pg. 1
A.R. Collins & Co.
No little of the present prosperity and wonderful growth of our city is due to
the energy and enterprising public spirit of the real estate firm of A.R.
Collins & Co. Thousands of dollars
have they spent in advertising the advantages, prospects, etc., of Denison and
surrounding country, throughout our whole country, even across the water to England, Scotland, France and
Germany. Through them the merchant, the
mechanic, the manufacturer, the farmer, the stock-raiser, have received a
cordial invitation to cast their lot with us. Synonymous with “Enter Texas at Denison” is “Step over to A.R. Collins
& Co.'s Land office at the Alamo.” Hundreds have done this and been the recipient of the courtesies and
through this and the manner in which Denison's advantages have been presented,
have STOPPED and located. They are
thoroughly conversant not only with city real estate but all the surrounding
agricultural country and north and western Texas.
They have upon their books upwards of half a million acres of choice
agricultural, fruit and grazing lands, located throughout North-western
Texas. They know the character of the
lands, the titles, etc., by personal observation. They are live, industrious, progressive,
thoroughly responsible and “mean business from the word go.” They are fully prepared to sell city property
or farming lands at terms and time to suit. Established in 1872, they have a knowledge of titles, lands, etc.
possessed by few. Parties desirous of
getting information about Texas will receive prompt and careful attention. Being thoroughly wedned to Denison, they take
special pleasure in corresponding with parties desirous of locating in our
city. They have a carriage always at
their door ready to show their property to investors, free of charge. To the
public generally we cordially commend Denison's livest real estate firm, A.R.
Collins & Co.
Collins Family Biography
Grayson County "Firsts"
Denison History
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