![]() The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 16, 1897 pg.1 REMINISCENCES A Weekly Summary of What Transpired 20 Years Ago With Running Commentaries When the Incidents Suggest It (Items Gleaned from The Denison Daily News) For the Week Ending May 12, 1877 The earnings of the H. & T.C. R'y for January, 1876, was $340,683; same month in 1877, only $248,355. Twenty years ago the Mayor and councilmen served the city for nothing. The marshall got $50 a month; clerk and treasurer, each $40. There was only one policeman and he received $40 a month. Middling cotton quoted at 10-1/2 cents in St. Louis; wheat, $1.90 to $2.04; corn 50c; oats 40c The following item taken from the News of May 3, 1877, will interest Louis Libbe: "Born to the wife of Louis Libbe, early Monday morning, a son. Mr. Libbe is as happy as a man can get and is evincing his joy by setting 'em up to his friends. We congratulate Mr. Libbe upon this addition to his family and wish the little fellow may live long and become as good a man as his father." Jack Gallagher was doing a big share of the Denison Livery business 20 years ago. Mr, Gallagher died about 10 years ago. It was 20 years ago last Monday that M. Schneider & Bros.' large dry good store in Sherman was destroyed by fire. Gen. J.P. Majors, C.S.A., in whose command the editor of this paper served during the war, died 20 years ago in Austin, Texas. He was a large man of fine military bearing and a gallant soldier. An item in the News announced that a recipe for T.V. Munson's grasshopper destroyer could be purchased at Webster & Armstrong's book store. Twenty years ago circuses in Texas were taxed $300 for each exhibition, or $600 a day. Cole's circus was the only one which visited the state until after the law was repealed, and he played a slight trick on the state and got out with a number of licenses unpaid. The News of May 12 announced the arrival of a bell for the colored Baptist church of Denison, a present from the colored Baptist Sunday school of Ft. Scott, Kansas. The order of Good Templars was organized in 1851 in Central New York with four members. In 1876 there were over one million. How many are there now? You seldom hear of a Good Templar. Education and suasion have given place to the policeman's club. The idea now is to force temperance upon the people by law. The Good Templars reformed thousands of excessive drinkers; how many has prohibition reformed? Denison History Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable,please send me a message. |