Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily News
September 23, 1873

The town of Denison was incorporated on March 13, 1873 with L. S. Owings serving as the first mayor. Streets were laid out and the naming of them was to commemorate the names of Katy directors.

The Denison Town Company donated eight acres in the center of the town for a park which was one of the first public parks in the state of Texas.

Also in 1873, the first free grade school in the state of Texas was built at the site of, now, West Main Street and North Barrett Avenue and named the Washington School.

"A census of the city carefully taken within the last ten days reveals the following facts. There are in Denison, of actual residents, 3,951 people and there are within the city limits, completed and occupied, 451 wooden and 18 brick and stone buildings, not one of which was built a year ago.
There are in operation nine hotels, five dry goods stores, one shoe store, five liquor houses, five drug stores, two book and news stores, four jewelry stores, five bakeries, six meat markets, two auction houses, twenty saloons, three liveries, three lumber yards, six brick kilns, two confectioneries, six shoe shops, four tailor shops, two tobacconists, five restaurants, one gun store, two photograph galleries. Two churchs have been completed and the foundation has been laid for
the third. Three successful schools are in operation."

The Denison Guide: Complied and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the
Works Progress Administration in the State of Texas
Denison Chamber of Commerce, Cooperating Sponsor;
Published by the Denison Chamber of Commerce, Denison, Texas 1939, pg13

The Sunday Gazetteer

Sunday, December 9, 1888
pg. 2

DENISON: from 1872 to the Present Day
Chronological Record of Local Events
An Epitome that will be interesting to Old-Timers


Mar 27
DIED, Dellie Hotchkiss, daughter of Hattie S. and C.W. Hotchkiss.
May 24
Mrs. Eliza Clark used kerosene in stimulating a fire.
Her funeral took place the next afternoon.
Aug 7
A baby boy at the house of E.E. Latta.
Mrs. R.H. Pearce died at her residence on Austin avenue.
Aug 8
Mr. Harry Lovell and Miss Kate Weaver were married by Parson Milligan.
Sep 17
Patrick Fitzhugh, son of Col. Fitzhugh, since door-keeper of U.S. Congress,
shot and killed.
Sep 18
An unfortunate encounter took place in Riley's drug store, during the melee
young Fitzhugh received shot wounds, which proved fatal in a few minutes.
Sep 25
The death of John Perry, brother of Mr. Ed. Perry, is recorded.
Oct 28
The News offers apology for pausity of news, because there is a new gal at his house.
Oct 30
Jerritt Hasting, a noted horse-thief, shot and killed near Dr. Holder's place.
Nov 12
Mr. Starr dies from effects of injuries received at the compress yesterday.
Dec 8
Alderman T.P. Dinsmore died.
Dec 9
M.L. Weiler, bookkeeper at the Star Store died.

1873 Businesses

Denison History

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