Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Collinsville Times
Friday, May 30, 1913
pg. 5

Will Miller left last week for Ft. Worth.
Miss Ella Allmon returned to her home in Tioga last week.
Dr. E.C. Williams was in Gainesville Sunday.
10 lbs. bucket Soda 50 cts. at Polk and Arnolds.
Rev. J.H. Hayes visited relatives in Whitesboro last week.
Miss Hattie Dishman is visiting friends in Fannin County.
Mrs. E.Y. Gunter left Wednesday for Anna to visit relatives.
Andrew Welch and wife of Myra visited friends here Saturday.
Robert Ball and Herbert Varley were in Myra Tuesday night.
Mrs. Erlin Ragsdale and children are visiting in Sherman this week.
Miss Dora Kelly of Aubrey was the guest of Miss Anna Cobler last week.
Robt. Spearman of Whitewright was here last week visiting relatives.
Miss Ara Dishman gave an entertainment at Whitesboro Monday night.
Henry Naylor who has been in Myra the last few months has returned home.
W.P. Pelphrey, T.R. Rodgers and Jack Varley were in Dallas Monday.
Mrs. Welcome Adams returned last week from a visit with relatives in Keller.
Mrs. B.T. Suddath of Whitesboro gave an entertainment here last Thursday night.
Miss Edna Stephenson who has been teaching at Myra this year returned home Tuesday.
Chas. Pelphrey, Erlin Ragsdale, W.P. Pelphrey and Joe Cobler were in Whitesboro Friday night.
Eld. Elmore of Gunter preached at the Christian Church Sunday morning and night and baptized 2 candidates Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruton of Muldrow, Oklahoma are here visiting Mrs. Bruton's brother, Chas. Goodman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Muldrow are also visiting Chas. Goodman and family.
W.R. Nutting was here Tuesday and Wednesday selling groceries to our people. Billie has been working this town as a drummer ever since away before the war and bids fair to be with us until the end of time.
Mrs. W.L. Bruce, Mrs. Virginia Lockridge and Misses Bazie Moncrief, Elsie Hufford and Mr. Chas. Pelphrey attended commencement exercises at Austin College Friday night.

pg. 4
C.L. Brandenburg has located in our town and deals in monuments. See him before you place an order.
John S. Dickey of Sherman was here this week.
Rev. J.H. Hayes is on the sick list this week.
Rev. Oscar Raines of Sherman is visiting here this week.
Mrs. C.J. Bryant and children have moved here from Edna, Texas.
Mrs. N. Craven and children of Whitesboro are visiting her parents, Rev. J.H. Hayes and wife.
R.B. Scott and Mrs. Amanda Murray were married last Thursday by 'Squire Faulkner.
John Dickey, second son of Lon Dickey, is pastor of a large Christian church in Illinois. John is a bright young man and we are glad to know that he has adopted this high calling.
A public meeting was held at the school house Monday in the interest of our public school. E.W. Wright was made chairman and H.B. Denton secretary. Mr. Ball gave an outline of the estimated funds which were only sufficient to run the school about 5 months. The conclusion of the meeting was that the trustees ought to solicit funds to supplement the school money so as to enable them to teach at least 6 months.
W.L. Riggs has bought a new automobile. They say Dock has gone to courting his wife again and sailing around in a land of pure delight.

Collinsville History

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