Grayson County TXGenWeb

Back row: Edna Minnis Copeland, Annie Minnis
front row, left to right: Hugh Morris Minnis, George Minnis, Warren Minnis

contributed by Kathy Belcher, granddaughter of Hugh Morris Minnis

February 16, 1941

Collinsville - Three brothers and two sisters were recently reunited after 55 years.
They were George Minnis of Grand Junction, Colorado; Hugh Minnis of Ethel; Warren Minnis of Sadler; Mrs. D.C. Warren, who lives two miles north of Sherman; and Mrs. W.M. Copeland of Collinsville. Two other brothers, Sam and Marvin Minnis, live at Gainesville.

George Minnis left Collinsville in July, 1885, two years after his father, Charles Monroe Minnis, settled on the farm one mile north of Ethel, now occupied by Hugh Minnis. During the past 55 years, George Minnis has lived in California, Nevada, Colorado and Utah. He now owns a ranch in Colorado.

When Mr. Minnis filed for his ranch land in Colorado, he was only 17 years old. He states that he put down his stake and gave notice of intention to file when he became of age, and that these intentions were respected and that his claim was not "jumped".

George Minnis returned to Grayson County the last of January. He did not notify his brothers and sisters but just "walked in on them." He states that some of them failed to recognize him until he began to talk and his eyes began to twinkle.

Mr. Minnis stated that when he landed in Colorado in 1886, "they had just put the Ute Indians out."

George Minnis planned to return to Colorado about the middle of February. He was considering disposing of his property there and coming back to Grayson County to spend the remainder of his days.

The father of the Minnis Family was a County Judge in Carroll County, Missiouri, for eight years before coming to Texas.

Collinsville History

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