Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Ferris Wheel
Volume 4, No. 50
Saturday, August 14, 189

Collinsville, Tx., Aug. 12 - Quite a heavy rain yesterday and still cloudy and threatening. There is a great deal of complaint about boll worms. In some fields they have almost stripped the stalks of bolls, while others make but little complaint. The weather is favorable for the worms and fears are entertained of their doing much damage.
In spite of boll worms this city continues to improve. Old fences are being torn away and nice iron ones are taking their places. Sidewalks are being put down, etc. J.L. Harbison is erecting a 2-story brick and De Cordova & Co. are adding 30 feet to their brick store. There is not a single residence in the town that is vacant and numbers of applicants for them.

Collinsville History

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