Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Democrat
September 19, 1948
By Mrs. W.J. Gardner
Democrat Correspondent

Collinsville - The first site of Collinsville was a half mile southeast of the present location, the nearest railroad point being Sherman, 25 miles away.
Following the Civil War a migration of covered wagons from the north and east rolled across Texas. In one of these wagons was Mrs. Lodoweska Collins of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a northern missionary's widow, her two sons and their belongings. They were scouting for a new home and chose to settle in north Grayson county in what was to become Collinsville, named after Mrs. Collins.
On her arrival, Mrs. Collins took up her philanthropic work and opened and taught at her own expense the first free school in the State of Texas. The one room school, constructed by the early settlers, was of hewn logs with cracks filled with clay.
J.H. Doyle, merchant, was the first post master; Pelfrey brothers put in a dry goods store, and the Taylor Drug store was opened. Other businesses were established by W.E. Fisher, R.A. Laughlin, Elijah Miller, and McGee & Russell.
About 1881 the Texas & Pacific and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroads were built through this area, missing the town site by three-fourths of a mile north and west. B.B. Durant was the first railway agent.

The late J.M. Doughty owned 67 acres of land between the old town and the point where the new depot was built. H. Waldo, sizing the situation up, promptly bought up the land, had the tract laid off into blocks, streets and alleys and called it Waldo's Addition. Free lots were offered to anyone who would erect business.
The Doyle store was the first to make the move. Gradually, others followed. A livery barn, hotel, cotton gin, and other houses joined in the move.
In the meantime, a newspaper, the "Times," was published. C.P. Bradley, early editor of the Sherman Courier, was editor.
The town of Collinsville, with a present population of 1,000 was incorporated in the early 1890s. John Malone was the first mayor. Artesian water wells, pump stations, a volunteer fire department with a host truck and engine have been added through the years. The late W.J. Gardiner, mayor from 1935 to 1947, liquidated many debts and readied bonds for voting on city sewerage, street grading and topping. D.C. Lewter is the present mayor.
The Adamson School replaced the first log structure. John A. Hudson was teacher. Other school facilities were obtained. Ernest Farr was the first school Superintendent.
The present school building, a brick structure, has 20 classrooms, a study hall, music room, home economics laboratory and dining room. It was built at a cost of $375,000. The auditorium seats 600. A work room for agriculture has been added and a teacherage, which will house 6 to 8 persons is nearing completion. O.L. Nolen is Superintendent.

There are 3 churches in Collinsville - Methodist, Baptist and Church of Christ. The Baptist Church will be housed in a new brick building soon. The late Rev. J.R. Singleterry drew up the blue prints and engineering construction for the $20,000 edifice. Rev. R.L. Cates is pastor of the Methodist Church, and Rev. H.B. Prather pastor of the Baptist Church.
At one time Collinsville had 2 banks, the National and the State. The present bank,Collinsville State, was organized in March of 1934 by the late W.J. Gardiner.
Organizations in the town include the Fred Owen Legion of Honor, Masons, Rebekahs, Eastern Star, Woodmen of the World, Woodmen Circle, Lions Club and Women's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church.

Collinsville History

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