Grayson County TXGenWeb

Collinsville Times
February 18, 1932

Seated: J. B. King

Standing (L-R)
#6: Ed Silliman
#11: Dick Stephenson

Dallas Morning News
July 28, 1897
Sherman Siftings

Golden Rind Watermelon
Sherman, Tex., July 27 - J.B. King, superintendent of public education for Grayson county, has a penchant for experimenting in gardening and horticulture. Lately he decided upon making a trial in the cultivation of a new and peculiar species of watermelon, known as the golden rind. He has carefully matured the vines on his place near Collinsville and has been gratified at his success.
This morning he brought two fine specimens to the city and one is on exhibition.
The melon when fully ripened assumes the color of a pumpkin and while somewhat diminutive it has the general shape and appearance of the old-fashioned round melon.
The meat is red and has the general flavor of the regular melon, but at first one notices a slight difference.
Formerly there was a practice much in vogue of plugging melons and emptying in perhaps a pint of claret wine. After this the melon would be allowed to remain undisturbed until the wine had been absorbed into the meat of the melon.
To those who have eaten melon thus impregnated the flavor of the meat of the golden rind variety will be very familiar.
It has been said that one other man in the county has successfully experimented with this vegetable curiousity, but his name could not
be learned.

Note: Julius Brister King moved to Santa Barbara, California and is buried there. James' children - Dixie, Ivah, Joseph and Adlai, moved to Los Angeles, California for work and other reasons along with (Paul's parents) and are buried at Rose Hills Cemetery, Whittier, California.

Collinsville History

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