Sherman Register
August 24, 1906 One of the most peculiar and at the same time, one of the most painful accidents, ever reported in this county, was that of which L. C. Neathery, a highly respectable resident of the Collinsville community, is the victim, and which may result in the loss of an eye, and perhaps life itself. It is stated that Mr. Neathery was engaged in weed cutting, using a mower in the works. Some repairs became necessary, a section of the sickle being loose. To repair a break of this kind a rivet is to be used. Reaching into his pocket, the gentleman secured what he believed to be a rivet and inserted it into the hole provided for its reception. Then came the bradding process, and the strokes of the hammer were applied resulting in an explosion and the penetration of the eye of the un-fortunate man. The ball struck the bone formation at the inter corner of the left eye and glancing lodged behind the eyeball proper, creating the greatest suffering. It developed that the pocket where the rivets were placed was a 22-caliber cartridge. The cartridge being about the size of the rivet and much of the same shape, was picked out instead and the trouble followed. Physicians were called and for many hours engaged in an effort to remove the refractory and elusive bit of lead. It is deemed probable that the eye will have to be removed before the bullet can be taken out. The case is one perhaps never paralleled in the state, and the developments will be watched. Deaths, Murders & Other Tribulations ca 1895 - 1915 edited by Patricia Armstrong Newhouse Collinsville History Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. Grayson County TXGenWeb |