Grayson County TXGenWeb

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
April 14, 1887
Collinsville, Tex., April 13. – Collinsville has new and reliable rumors to the effect that she will be taken in by the Sherman extension of the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas. Her large water supply is one great inducement.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
May 17, 1887
Collinsville, Tex., May 16. – The post office has just been moved from the old town to the new, which causes much rejoicing among the citizens of the latter named place. Another party went out yesterday to delve for the Mexican gold said to be hidden in a mountain some ten miles west of this place.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
May 20, 1887

, Tex.
, May 19. – The Missouri Pacific Railway Company is putting in another half-mile switch at Collinsville. As that is a most important watering point, larger yard room is badly needed there.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
October 27, 1887

Collinsville, Tex., Oct 26. – Cotton is coming in briskly. The cotton platform here is filled with bales four deep. Cars can not be secured fast enough for its shipping. The largest sweet potato we ever heard of was raised in this vicinity byH.N. Tuck;
weight, fourteen pounds. It will be sent to the
Dallas fair to-morrow.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
November 25, 1887

The Collinsville United
Special to the Gazette ~
Collinsville, Tex., Nov 24. – The fight between the old and new town of Collinsville is at last settled. The business men of the new town agree to stand a large proportion of the moving expenses, and all the business buildings of the old town will at once be transferred to the new town on the railroad. Two of the houses to be moved are large brick structures, the transfer of which will be no little undertaking. The town is already beginning to boom, and our citizens and people of the surrounding country are all rejoicing over the consummation of this long-hoped for union.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
December 10, 1887

Collinsville Booms
Special to the Gazette ~
Collinsville, Tex., Dec. 9. – Since the old town is moving over to the new Collinsville is going forward with an impetus that she never before has experienced. Town property lying within a quarter of a mile of the depot is being taken up by eager purchasers and the work of building and improving is going on as though all had come to stay.

Collinsville History

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