Grayson County TXGenWeb

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
May 10, 1887

Collinsville, Tex., May 9. – About daylight this morning J.W. Toone, who lives one mile north of this place, captured a horse thief whom he found prowling about his lot. The fellow resisted with all his might, and was not subdued until Mr. Toone knocked him down with the breech end of his shot gun, and by this time neighbors had come to help hold the prisoner. He gave his name as John Vaughn. Not far from the scene of the capture were found three mules and one horse which he said were stolen by him and his partner, two of them from near Lewisville,Denton county, and the other two from this vicinity. By a good deal of threatening he was made to tell of his partner’s whereabouts, and now the vigilant A.E. Hughes with a posse of men are in hot pursuit.

Collinsville History

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