Grayson County TXGenWeb


Mr. Walter D. Collins purchased a tract of land along Spring Creek, to make a home for his wife Loadoweska and their two sons.
The Pleasant Home Baptist Church was organized in the home of Rev. Noah Miller. Later the church name was changed to Miller Memorial Baptist Church.

Mrs. Walter D. Collins and her two sons return to this community after the Civil War. The community was called Toadsuck at this time. Mrs. Colins told the community businessmen that she would give land for a townsite if it was called Collinsville. Toadsuck became Collinsville, Texas.
1878Methodist Church was organized.
1879Collinsville received its first U.S. Post Office and J. H. Doyle wasa the first postmaster.
1880First school building was erected.
1880Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized.
1890Collinsville is incorporated.
1900First electric plant - a small one engine plant
1916Girls basketball was introduced into the local school
1918Boys basketball was introduced into the local school.
1922"Talking Movies" came to town
1927Football was introduced into the local school
1928First city water well

Source Unknown

Collinsville History

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