Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Bonham Daily Favorite
August 3, 1923
pg. 7


The following item is reproduced from the Collinsville (Grayson County) Times:
Collinsville must hold the State record for twins. It has got to the point where it is dangerous for poor folks to get married and start life by locating in Collinsville in....residential street which is now commonly known as "Twin Street." The street was laid out 18 years ago, and since that time 14 sets of twins have been born on the street. In fact, practically every young couple that has married during that time and moved to "Twin Street" are now the possessors of either one or two sets of fine twins. Even some of the older inhabitants are getting shaky over the situation - think maybe there is some kind if a hoodoo hanging around on the limbs of the heavily wooded post oak trees.

1910 Census
Pct #5

North Sherman St.
148/148 Henry & Katie Reed
Otho T son mw 2
Ora L dau fw 2

149/149 Phillip & Eliza Shores
John B son mw 19s
Henry W son mw 19s

169/169 Frank P & Etta Varley
Wallace son mw 3
Wayne son mw 3

1920 Census
Pct #5

S. Main St.
7/8 Grover C & Florence M Mak
Emma L dau fw 7s
Martha E dau fw 7s
James G son 6/12s
Jack G son 6/12s

E. Main St.
27/28 Olie & Susie Huffaker
Mildred R. dau fw 6s
Gladys M dau fw 6s

Hudland St.
45/46 Jake A. & Sallie L Lockwood
Amie L dau fw 10s
Mamie E dau fw 10s

Loveland St
54/55 William J & Elizabeth E Langran
Gladys L dau 20s
Loyce M son 20s

N Main St
60/61 Sam S & Florence A Arnold
Arie son mw 20s
Erie son mw 20s

Locust St
William F & Nannie C McGaughey
Lula dau 6/12s
Lewis son 6/12s

Collinsville History

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