Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Howe Messenger
Friday, March 15, 1935
pg. 6

by Miss Birdie Sollis

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Outlaw of Denison were visiting Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Everett Saturday and Sunday.
W.B. Francis and Ray Shaw are in Fox, Oklahoma on business.
Mrs. E.H. Gant was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Francis in Tom Bean Sunday.
Lynn Scott was in Sherman Tuesday.
Mrs. E.O. Thomas of Tom Bean visited Mrs. J.E. Thomas Tuesday afternoon.
Mary Jo Tipton of Sherman has returned home after a few days visit with her grandmother, Mrs. B.L. Sollis, who has been ill.
Miss Gussie Teagues has returned to her school at Lubbock.

Celtic History

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