The Denison Daily Herald
Friday, June 1, 1906 CEDAR MILLS Cedar Mills, Texas, May 30 - Mrs. Minnie Edmonson is visiting relatives and friends at St. Jo, Texas. Arthur Lairie of Cumberland, I.T. is visiting his mother, Mrs. M.A. Lairie, near this place. Tom Smith of Collinsville was in our midst this week looking after his interests. William Elmore was called to Sherman last week to see his little niece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W.S. Russell, who is very sick. Miss Minnie Hammonds of Locust died Tuesday last and was interred in the Cedar Mills cemetery Wednesday. The infant child of Mr. Haven of Locust died Tuesday last and was interred in the Cedar Mills cemetery Wednesday. George Johnson, who has been sick for the past 6 or 7 months with kidney trouble, died last Sunday and the body was buried Monday in the family burial grounds of J.H. Johnson. Farmers are very busy with their crops. Rev. A.G. Huff of Pottsboro was in our midst this week. Mrs. Sarah P. Huff, who moved to Pottsboro from this place a few months ago, moved back to her home near this place Monday. William S. Farmer was in our town a few days ago. Master Noel Grain and his little brother, Taylor, were in Denison last week. Z.W. Wilbem and daughter, Miss Eva, were in Sherman Monday. H.H. Hayes had business in Whitesboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Elmore were blessed with the arrival of a baby girl at their home Monday. W.C. Thomas of Pottsboro was in Cedar Mills Monday. News Index Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable,please send me a message. |